Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has long been known for its medicinal value and has historically been used as both a food and a medicine. Because I am anal, I would like to point out that the ginger "root" you buy out the store is not actually a root but a rhizome. The rhizome is the part of the plant that is used medicinally. Having said that, I will from hence on out call it Ginger root just to avoid confusion, and if looking for it in the store (typically found in the produce section) if will be labeled as a root.
This is a really good winter tea as the ginger is very warming to the body as has been said to warm cold hands and feet. It has a sweet aroma and a pungent taste.
Medicinally it has been used to treat nausea, morning sickness in pregnancy, as a digestive stimulant, as a carminative and to aid in relief from colds.
The Recipe
Well I'm no good when it comes to exact measurements. However:
Approximately 3-4 cups of water (or so)
1-2 pieces of fresh ginger root
1-2 cinnamon sticks
*Lemon *Orange *Cayenne *
Chop ginger into small but not miniscule pieces (approx. 1/4")
In saucepan, combine water, ginger, and cinnamon sticks. Cover with lid
Turn on heat to med-high. Once it begins to boil, reduce to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Strain mixture as seen below and discard.
Add honey.
Optional: Add lemon or orange slice.
Optional: Add a pinch of cayenne for stubborn congestion.
Sip on tea 3x a day. Yum.