It is very noticable upon cutting into its fruit its crimson red-toned flesh. Its color comes from anthrocynanin-a chemical found in many fruits, but typically not citrus fruits.
Pictured is the Moro variety of the fruit, whose flesh is closer to purple than red.
Blood oranges, being a citrus fruit, are particularly high in vitamin C and is also is a decent source for some potassium. The anthrocyanins-the chemical responsible for its color- are antioxidant.
When picking the fruit, look for fruit that is heavy for its size. Storage is best in the refridgerator. It keeps for a few days at room temperature, but lasts longer-for up to two weeks, when stored in the fridge.
For the Moro variety-peak season is December thru March.
I was a little leary of trying these. After I did, however, I must say that they were a great tasty snack.