Happy Earth Day Everyone!!
I really haven't got much to say today, but I felt the intense need to not let this day go by without a blog post on this blog. I mean its Earth Day!
So, what I want to say is to let everyday be Earth Day! Don't just confine it to a calander. Pick up trash everyday. Don't litter any day. It's kinda silly we need a day to remind us to respect Gaia. She a the source of life for us. Our food comes from this earth. Our oxygen content, and source of water is directly related to her. Why shouldn't we take care of her as she does us?
Mmm...on that note, and without getting up on a soapbox today, I am reading this book I want to recommend called Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature
Thats it I think. At least for today. Just wanted to say something.
I'll leave you with a few practical (some common sense) tips for celebrating the day, beside planting trees.
1. Spend the $1 to get the Reusable Grocery Bags...AND ACTUALLY USE THEM!
2. Really, if it isnt that far...walk instead of driving. And if it is, and you aren't in a rush or have the time...take the bus. While you are walking, check the scenery. Notice the trees. The textures, the colors, the patterns...all the things we ignore.
3. Buy in bulk, to reduce packaging needs.
4.The easiest most sensible: RECYCLE (pls...!)
5. Eat some Greens... haha-didn't think of that one did you? But what better way to celebrate the earth, than by enjoying her bounty? Your body will thank you too.
6. Turn off the lights, turn off the lights! If your not using them, or if you are but you really don't need them, turn it off. Same goes for power strips and yes even those "powersave" appliances. You can save even more by turning it totally off and unplugging it. And your BGE bill will thank you too (tough BGE might not).
7. Stop using herbicides and pesticides in your lawn and garden! Pretty self-explanatory.
8. Shop at a Farmers Market. Its better for you health-wise, and better for the planet and supports your local economy, and when buying organic there are no pesticides used.
9. Get involved with Earth-affected government regulations. You don't even have to move your pretty little feet. At the least write a letter to your legislators. Or even easier, go online and sign SOME petitions that have already been formulated to protect the earth, AND YOU!
10. Use homemade cleaners instead of those heavy bleach, ammonia scrubs. Lemon juice and baking soda clean fairly well. Give it a try.
And by no means is this a definitive list. Find your own ways to get involved. The more the merrier!
PS..Oh, and I wanted to point out too: while it was very clever, it was also a marketing idea to have the movie Avatar come out on Earth Day. I loved that movie: went to see it three times, twice on IMAX. But just in case you were wondering: buying the DVD does not subconciously fulfill your Earth Day duties, no matter how much you identify with the Avatars (and trust me I do). But it you aren't doing anything in this here life to prevent history from repeating itself (yea, you do know its based of many true stories right? READ: American History (ie. Native Americans) and African History (ie. Colonialism) to get a reawakening) then what are you doing, really? This is real life-not just TV!
PSS... Here are a few links to check:
Invisible Threats to the Planet
Slow Food Slow Food USA
So much for not having anything to say. I start talking (or in this case typing) and I just can't stop!