So I am sitting with the kid watching Dinosaurs
I guess that is to say humanity tickles me more, because that is what the show is based off of.
So this particular episode that comes on is called "Germ Warfare" (Season 3, Episode 6), and is a satrical representation of the medical establishments of today. And don't get me wrong, I do believe that they have their place, but it is true that many of our common ailments that we go to the doctors for and pay boo-koo money for are ailments that we could very well cure at home on our own with simple ingredients and/or lifestyle changes.
My grandparents generation knew and understood that. My parents as kids barely went to the doctors. I guess that was partially because they couldn't afford it. But in not being able to afford it did not mean they suffered. They "figured out" how to cure themselves. And a lot of their methods are time-tested and proven. But because of there simplicity, we think it's too easy to try. We have been sold the idea that medicine has to be advanced and technical. The reality is quite different though. One of my reasons for this blog is to help people to get back that wisdom that our ancestors knew. And for sure I'm going to pass it down to my own youngin'. Hopefully you will see fit to do the same.
On the show when Baby gets sick, Ethyl, the grandmother tells the parents to take him to the "guy in the woods". He would be the modern day equivalent of us herbalists specifically, but also any other holistic or complimentary health care professionals and naturopathic physicians. They spend thousands at the doctors office instead for medicine that not only did not work, but made the baby worst (modern day=side effects). They then go back to this doctor who they blindly trust and when he tries to sell them another more expensive batch of medicine, they realize that he may well be a sham. They finally reluctantly go to the "guy in the woods" and he heals the baby with an unlikely cure: mold.
Remember its a satire. So maybe we won't instruct you to eat moldy bread per se, but a lot of our medicinal plants are things that most people consider weeds. The things that they spray heavily for "polluting" their yard, all have qualities that could be health promoting... whats it gonna take though for us to make that shift consciously?
I'll add that in the light of all this health care hoopla, I see it as one of the leading answers to the questions that aren't being asked. But that's a political discussion, so I won't get into that.
Anyway, you can view the episode here. I was able to find it online. ENJOY! Let me know your thoughts!
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